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Martini LXR
Portions2 peopleChangeTiming 3 minsViewIngredients4 IngredientsViewSwitzerland37 % localView
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Ingredients (4)
- 30 centilitres Foodflows Coffeecherry Elixir
Foreign ingredient
This ingredient is currently available from foreign productionWhere can I buy it locally?Product info
Unser Erfrischungsgetränk auf Basis getrockneter Kaffeekirschen setzt geschmacklich und farblich eine neue Messlatte in dieser Kategorie. Das Coffeecherry Elixir ist vegan und braucht lediglich fünf Zutaten: neben Wasser und Kaffeekirschen noch Zitronendirektsaft und Rübenzucker, um Säure und Süsse auszubalancieren, sowie Kohlensäure.
- 6 ice cubes
Swiss ingredient in season
This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local productionWhere can I buy it locally? - 1 lime
Foreign ingredient
This ingredient is currently available from foreign productionWhere can I buy it locally? - 8 centilitres martini
Swiss ingredient in season
This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local productionWhere can I buy it locally?
Click on an ingredient to learn more about it. A red Swiss flag indicates that the locally-produced ingredient is currently in season. Learn more about our display of local ingredients
Local shopping
Portions (2)
Tools (1)
Timing (3 mins)