
Whisky LXR

Portions2 peopleChangeTiming 3 minsView
Ingredients3 IngredientsViewSwitzerland41 % localView
  • 30  centilitres Foodflows Coffeecherry Elixir
    Foreign ingredient
    This ingredient is currently available from foreign production
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    Product info

    Unser Erfrischungsgetränk auf Basis getrockneter Kaffeekirschen setzt geschmacklich und farblich eine neue Messlatte in dieser Kategorie. Das Coffeecherry Elixir ist vegan und braucht lediglich fünf Zutaten: neben Wasser und Kaffeekirschen noch Zitronendirektsaft und Rübenzucker, um Säure und Süsse auszubalancieren, sowie Kohlensäure.

  • ice cubes
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?
  • centilitres Whisky
    Swiss ingredient in season
    This ingredient is currently available from seasonal local production
    Where can I buy it locally?

Click on an ingredient to learn more about it. A red Swiss flag indicates that the locally-produced ingredient is currently in season. Learn more about our display of local ingredients

Add 3 ice cube, 4cl whisky and 16cl coffeecherry elixir into each longdrink glass
Stir the Whisky LXR gently and serve it immediately
Optionally: add a few dried coffee berries and straws

Whisky LXR


Long drink glass with foodflows coffee cherry elixir and ice cubes on a wooden table
Timing 3 mins
Portions2 people
Ingredients3 Ingredients


  • 30  centilitres Foodflows Coffeecherry Elixir
  • ice cubes
  • 8  centilitres Whisky

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  • 1 spoon

Whisky LXR



Add 3 ice cube, 4cl whisky and 16cl coffeecherry elixir into each longdrink glass
Stir the Whisky LXR gently and serve it immediately
Optionally: add a few dried coffee berries and straws