Do you share our enthusiasm for seasonal recipes and local products? Would you like to make relevant information available for a broader audience, work together with us or simply support our idea? Here you find different ways to become part of the Gourmagine community.
Present your products
Are you a producer or vendor of local products that fit our recipes on Gourmagine or recipes that you want to share with us? Then we will happily provide you with the opportunity to present your story, your products and the matching recipes on Gourmagine.
Learn more about the possibilities here
Share your recipes
Do you have exciting recipes that you would like to share with the world in an easy way? You can send us individual recipes by email so that we can publish them (with or without mentioning your name, depending on your preference.) If you have a whole bunch of recipes on a common theme, project or an idea then we happily collect them in a recipe channel on Gourmagine.
Learn more about recipe channels
Support new recipes
You can also support the idea behind Gourmagine by financing new recipes, which are then available for you and the whole community. Especially new recipes with local ingredients are helpful because small businesses can use them as cooking inspiration for their products.
Learn more about creating new recipes
Share information
Do you have relevant information on the selection, purchase, storage or preparation of food that should be known by a wider audience? Then contact us through the below form and we will together find a way to make the information accessible on Gourmagine.
Other ideas
We are always open for creative ideas and are happy to hear from you if you see other opportunities to contribute to Gourmagine or work together with us. Simply contact us through the form below.