Suggest a recipe
Where are the recipes on Gourmagine from?
Our recipes come from various authors depending on the type of recipe and the purpose of a recipe channel. Not only food bloggers, chefs and nutritionists but also different food producers (e.g. for recipes with unique ingredients), volunteers at sustainable organisations (e.g. for topic related recipes) or other people who are active in a topic around food contribute recipes to Gourmagine.
Can anyone suggest recipes for Gourmagine?
Yes, if you have an idea for an interesting recipe, you can gladly suggest it to us. In case you have your own recipe or recipes, you can submit them to us and we will put them online after a short check.
What kind of recipes or recipe ideas can be suggested?
Generally, we are open for any kind of recipes. But we do prefer recipes that are easy to cook, include mostly local ingredients or are about a specific product or topic.
How can recipes or ideas be submitted?
If you would like to submit one or more recipes or recipe ideas then please get in touch with us through the below form and we will contact you with more details as soon as possible.
Please fill in your contact details below and tell us something about the recipe or recipe idea that you would like to suggest. We will get in touch with you shortly!